NASEO-AASHTO NEVI Case Study Webinar

July 31, 2024, 4:00 - 5:00 PM ET

State Energy Offices and State Departments of Transportation have made substantial progress deploying the first round of National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funded stations. To explore the various challenges and successes from the first round of NEVI, NASEO, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Atlas Public Policy developed a series of case studies on Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Ohio, and Pennsylvania's first round of the NEVI program. The case studies are intended to delve deeper into states’ NEVI solicitation design and stakeholder process; outline the scoring rubric and application evaluation process; discuss the applicant pool variety and quality; and illustrate the successes and challenges of the program. In this webinar, Alaska, Colorado, and Hawaii will outline key findings from the case studies and share lessons learned and best practices on the first round of NEVI deployment. Following presentations, there will be a facilitated discussion among states and an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. To register, click here and reach out to Delaney Dixon ( with any questions.