NASEO Electricity Committee Webinar: Demand Growth and Implications for State Planning

July 8, 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

NASEO invites members of the Electricity Committee, as well as other NASEO state members, affiliates, and other interested individuals, to participate in a webinar on recent trends in electricity demand growth. Peter Fox-Penner of the Energy Impact Partners and Brattle Group and Zach Zimmerman of Grid Strategies will join us to share their respective research and findings on this topic and their recently released reports, Electricity Demand Growth and Forecasting in a Time of Change and National Load Growth Report. Following the presentations, we will have a states’ roundtable among members of the NASEO Electricity Committee Leadership Team for a discussion of how states are responding to and addressing these trends. A Q&A session will follow the roundtable, providing an opportunity for webinar participants to pose questions to all the panelists. Please register to participate in the webinar here. For any questions, please reach out to Catherine Reed ( or Camille Norton (