National Cooling Standards Initiative State and Territory Energy Office Summer Webinar Series: Cooling Technology, State Climate Plans, and Low-Income Households

June 4, 2024, 1:00 - 2:30 PM ET

The Center for Energy Poverty and Climate (CEPC), ClimateWorks, and NASEO will host a series of webinars discussing several topics related to state energy plans, cooling technology, and low-income populations. Each session will include presentations by expert speakers that lay out the problem and potential solutions, followed by a moderated discussion between participants and speakers.

Session 1: Preview of CEPC/NASEO Report: Beating the Heat: Recommendations and Considerations for States to Support Cost-Effective Residential Cooling

Tuesday, June 4, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET

In this first session, NASEO and CEPC will preview their new report “Beating the Heat: Recommendations and Considerations for States to Support Cost-Effective Residential Cooling.” The report offers guidance for State and Territory Energy Offices about cost-effective residential cooling, including topics such as centering consumer protections and affordability, determining how to prioritize households, and fostering interagency and intergovernmental partnerships.

Session 2: Protecting Vulnerable Populations from Extreme Heat

Thursday, June 13, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET

In this session, experts in medicine, urban planning, and public health research will discuss the ways in which low-income populations are even more vulnerable to the effects of extreme heat due to lack of adequate cooling. The experts will also highlight potential avenues for State and Territory Energy Offices to work alongside both federal and local governments to address and prepare for the health risks associated with extreme heat.

Session 3: State Examples of Comprehensive Affordable Cooling Strategies

Thursday, June 20, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET

In this session, State and Territory Energy Officials will present on the ways in which they are currently addressing the need for affordable cooling in their states, including developing comprehensive extreme heat preparedness plans, conducting needs assessments that prioritize low-income and vulnerable populations, exploring community-level electrified thermal energy solutions, and supporting the funding and financing of widely deploying energy efficient heat pumps.

Session 4: Funding & Financing the Energy Transition, Braiding Federal & State Funds

Tuesday, July 2, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET

In the last session of this four-part webinar series, experts will discuss the various federal and state programs that can be braided to fund and finance highly efficient cooling equipment and supportive energy efficiency upgrades for income-constrained households.