Completing a PHIUS Project After Design Certification of Single-Family Projects: A Guide to Raters

December 6, 2023, 3:00 - 5:00 PM EST

Please join us for our December 6th Webinar!

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This Presentation will focus on what Phius is looking for from raters during the construction process.  The Phius certification process consists of two steps.  First, a project achieves Design Certification based on the design meeting the heating, cooling and Source Energy targets laid out by Phius.  However, as the final home will inevitably differ from the original design, raters are needed to ensure that the as-built home still meets Phius requirements.  This presentation will lay out the information that Phius that raters need to gather and that Phius will review in order to ensure a Final Certification. 


Isaac Elnecave joined the Phius Certification Team in 2019. He provides design review and energy modeling services to evaluate project qualifications for Phius+ Certification. Isaac works closely with the submitting CPHC® to provide feedback on questions pertaining to energy modeling and building plans.  He also works with raters and verifiers to achieve final certification on projects.

Prior to joining Phius, Isaac worked as a policy manager focused on promoting the development, adoption and implementation of the latest building energy codes and appliance efficiency standards. Isaac also worked as a civil engineer in Southern California where he designed seismic retrofits for older buildings susceptible to damage from earthquakes.

Isaac has a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Mechanics from the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science as well as a Masters in Public Policy from the University of California at Los Angeles.


Contact: Betsy Ames at 978.633.3013