Please join us for our November webinar!
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The EnergySMAC app allows you to capture field data using the built-in capabilities quickly and accurately of ANY smartphone or tablet.
By ditching paper and digitizing your inspections, you'll cut field data collection time, increase data accuracy, and speed your energy efficiency certifications.
Instantly readies data for review, QA and digital submittal.
Speeds certifications with digital HERS® submission utilizing the Ekotrope InspectionSync API connection.
Connects to REM/Rate software through XML file transfer (can also use XML transfer for Ekotrope if not using InspectionSYNC).
Upload pictures, scan material barcodes, take text and audio notes and capture signatures all from your phone or tablet.
Add location (lat-lon), and lookup of stored data (such as equipment information, etc.) based on field findings to your inspection process.
Allows for custom forms for data collection.
Generate custom report for your customer, utilities, code officials or others.
Darol Harrison is a licensed Professional Engineer, a RESNET QAD and has been a certified HERS Rater since 2004. Prior to that he spent 21 years as an Engineer and Project Manager in the Nuclear Power industry. He previously held a certification as a Building Science Thermographer, a Class 2 HVAC license and a residential builder license.
This is a paid sponsor webinar which is product-specific. There will be no CEUs for this webinar, but you won't want to miss this!