NASEO Electricity Committee Meeting: Review of National Transmission Planning Study State Engagement (State and Territory Energy Offices only)

July 7, 2022, 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET

In support of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity launched the Building a Better Grid Initiative to catalyze the nationwide development of new and upgraded high-capacity electric transmission lines. As one of the first steps, U.S. DOE is conducting the National Transmission Planning Study to identify transmission that will provide broad-scale benefits to electric customers; inform regional and interregional transmission planning processes; and identify interregional and national strategies to accelerate decarbonization while maintaining system reliability. Among other outcomes, the study results will help prioritize future U.S. DOE funding for transmission infrastructure support. During this NASEO Electricity Committee meeting, DOE staff will provide an overview of the study and discuss key state-level assumptions that are being used as base of the study. Please contact Kirsten Verclas ( for registration information. Please note, this meeting is for State and Territory Energy Offices only.