13:00 Welcome and introduction (Andreas Häberle and Tobias Hirsch)
Status reports from the Subtasks
13:20 Subtask A: Integrated energy systems (Felix Pag, Ulrike Jordan)
13:30 Subtask B: Modularisation (Diego Alarcón)
13:40 Subtask D: Standardization/Certification (Vassiliki Drosou)
13:50 Subtask E: Guideline to market (Jürgen Fluch, Peter Nitz)
14:00 Subtask C: Simulation and design tools (José-Miguel Cardemil)
14:10 Dirk Krüger, DLR, statistical conversion factor - aperture area to thermal power - for concentrating collectors
14:30 Coffee Break
14:40 Elena Guillen, AEE INTEC, Socio economic aspects learnt within the INSHIP project
15:00 Bärbel Epp, SOLRICO, New market survey on solar process heat plants
15:20 Uli Jakob, Dr. Jakob Energy Research, Task 65 "Solar Cooling for the sunbelt Regions"
15:40 open discussion
16:00 End of the meeting