DOE Emerging Energy Efficiency Technologies

September 16, 2021, 11:00 AM MDT

Speaker: Cedar Blazek, U.S. DOE
Topic Summary: Field validation and demonstration play a key role in US Dept. of Energy goals to decarbonize the building sector, i.e. getting technologies over the “valley of death” by providing verified performance data. In early 2021, DOE’s Building Technologies Office awarded 7 projects to local and state governments for the field validation of promising energy efficiency technologies in commercial buildings. You’ll hear about the emerging building technologies being demonstrated today, previous technologies that have been proven out, and what DOE is looking towards next for deep decarbonization.

Cedar Blazek is a project manager within the US Dept. of Energy Building Technologies Office. She manages projects that focus on field validation of promising commercial building technologies, partnerships with private-sector building owners, and strategies to accelerate Advanced Building Construction.

Contact: RMAEE Secretary