The NARUC NASEO Comprehensive Electricity Planning Task Force hosted a webinar on Tuesday July 7, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. EDT. This webinar focused on key issues related to coordination between distribution planning, resource planning, and utility and RTO transmission planning processes. Speakers shared experiences and real-world examples of how DER growth affects transmission planning; how DERs are used to meet or offset transmission needs; and how states, utilities, and RTOs can coordinate planning to meet future goals for the electricity system.
Lorenzo Kristov, Comprehensive Electricity Planning Task Force Core Team
Doug Scott, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Great Plains Institute
Neil Millar, Vice President of Transmission Planning & Infrastructure Development at the California ISO
Dan Robicheaux, Planner, Policy Regulatory Planning, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Nick Chaset, Chief Executive Officer, East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)
Webinar Recording:
NASEO Contact: Kirsten Verclas (